chemical structure for MCA


Melamine Cyanurate

Số CAS: 37640-57-6
Công thức hóa học: C6H9N9O3
Trọng lượng phân tử: 255,2

Thuộc tính:
Melamine Cyanurate (MCA) là chất chống cháy không chứa halogen, đặc biệt được sử dụng cho polyamide (PA6, PA66).
MCA được sử dụng rộng rãi trong dây và cáp, thiết bị điện tử, vật liệu xây dựng, sơn dệt.

Tính năng:

  1. Môi trường, không chứa halogen.
  2. Tính chất điện và cơ khí.
  3. Màu sắc ổn định.

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Melamine Cyanurate

CAS Number: 37640-57-6
Chemical formula: C6H9N9O3
Molecular weight: 255.2

Melamine Cyanurate(MCA) is a halogen-free flame retardant, especially used for unfilled polyamide (PA6, PA66).

MCA are widely used in rubber, nylon (polyamide), phenolic resin, polystyrene, epoxy resin, acrylic emulsion, PTFE resin and other olefin resin.

MCA can be applied to materials and parts with high requirements for flame retardant insulation grade, wire and cable, electronic appliances, building materials, textile coatings.

MCA can be used as a lubricant with better lubricating properties than molybdenum disulfide, but it is cost-effective. MCA’s coating film can be used as a lubricant film for rust prevention, as a release agent for steel drawing and stamping, and as a lubricant film for general mechanical transmission parts.

MCA has non-toxicity, good lubricity, can be formulated for skin cosmetics, and can also be used as paint matting agent.

1. Environmental, halogen-free.
2. Good electrical and mechanical property.
3. Steady color.

Technical Data:

AppearanceWhite Powder
MCA content [%]99.5 min.
Cyanuric acid [%]0.2 max.
Loss on dry [%]0.2 max.
Average particle size [μm]5.0 max.
Melamine Cyanurate

Flame retardant mechanisms:
1, MCA flame retardant reaches 350 degrees, began to decompose to generate MA and CA, this process needs to absorb a large amount of heat from the polymer to reduce the surface temperature of the substrate.

2, CA and MA further decomposition to generate non-combustible gases, such as ammonia, etc., these non-flammable gases can quickly dilute the polymer generated combustibles and oxygen, reducing the concentration of combustible gases.

3, MCA generally needs to be compounded with phosphorus-containing or pentaerythritol, etc., which will promote the foaming and expansion of the carbonised layer, and can prevent the convection of heat and outside oxygen.

4, Non-combustible drips to minimize contact with flames.

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