Tris(2-chlorisopropyl) Phosphate;
CAS No.: 13674-84-5
EC No.: 237-158-7
Molecular Formula:C9H18Cl3O4P
TCPP adalah OrganoPhosphorus Flame Retardant (OPFR) terklorinasi (hologen) yang tidak larut dalam air dan memiliki stabilitas yang baik.
TCPP adalah ester fosfat yang menggabungkan fosfor (sekitar 9.5%) dan klorin (sekitar 32.5%), sehingga memiliki sifat tahan api dan sifat plastisisasi yang sangat baik untuk produk poliuretan, plastik, dan karet.
Kelarutannya dalam air 1,6 g / L pada 20 ℃, tidak larut dalam hidrokarbon alifatik, larut dalam benzena, alkohol, ester, karbon tetraklorida, dan pelarut organik lainnya.
TCPP harus disegel dan dilindungi dari kelembaban dalam penyimpanan.
Berikut ini adalah teks asli dalam bahasa Inggris.
The following is the original English text.
Tris(Chloropropyl) Phosphate;
2-Propanol,1-chloro-,phosphate (3:1);
2-Propanol,1-chloro-, 2,2′,2”-phosphate;
Tris(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) phosphate;
PROPAN-2-OL, 1-CHLORO-, PHOSPHATE; トリス(βークロロプロピル)ホスフェート TCPP
Other CAS Number:
Phosphoric trichloride, reaction products with propylene oxide;
Reaction products of phosphoryl trichloride and 2-methyloxirane;
TCPP is an chlorinated(hologen) OrganoPhosphorus Flame Retardant (OPFR) which is insoluble in water and has good stability.
TCPP is a phosphate ester combining phosphorus (about 9.5%) and chlorine (about 32.5%), so it has excellent flame retardant and plasticizing properties for polyurethane, plastic and rubber products.
It’s solubility in water 1.6g/L at 20℃, insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons, soluble in benzene, alcohol, ester, carbon tetrachloride and other organic solvents.
TCPP should be sealed and protected from moisture in storage.
TCPP is especially recommended used in PIR / PUR foams, e.g. polyurethane insulation foams, structural foams and low-density flexible foams.
TCPP can be used in flexible and rigid polyurethane foam (PUR), polyvinylchloride (PVC), epoxy resin, polyester, thermosets, polyisocyanurate foam (PIR), adhesive, etc.
The dosage of TCPP is about 10% to 20%, please adjust the dosage according to the formula and specific use.
Technical data:
Appearance: colorless or light yellow transparent liquid
Acid value (mg KOH/g): ≤0.1
Refractive index: 1.4620-1.4650
Viscosity(25°C,mpa.s): 60–70
Specific gravity(25°C, g/cm3): 1.28-1.30
Chromaticity(APHA): ≤50
Moisture: ≤0.1%
Phosphorus content: 9.4%±0.4%
Chlorine content: 32.5%±0.5%
250kg per Drum; 1250kg per IBC; about 25 tonnes isotank; Flexitank;
Store in a dry, shaded, cool, well-ventilated area, sealed and protected from moisture.
Related Flame Retardants (FRs)
>>Halogen-free Aromatic PolyPhosphate FRs:
For Engineering plastics (e.g. PC/ABS alloys, PC, ABS, modified PPE), etc.
>>Halogenated Chlorinated Phosphate FRs:
For Polyurethanes (e.g. flexible and rigid PUR foams), etc.
>>Melamine-based nitrogen FRs:
Melamine Cyanurate -MCA
Melamine Phosphate -MP
Melamine PolyPhosphate -MPP